Human Whole-Exome Sequencing, xGen™ Hyb Capture Kit for Element, 2 x 75 sequencing (Trinity™ Sequencing Kits)
The Trinity sequencing kit was used to perform whole-exome sequencing (WES) on reference genomic DNA (gDNA).
The xGen Exome Sequencing Kit Trinity for Element (#10022463) was used to prepare libraries and perform capture for Trinity sequencing according to the user guide.
Libraries were prepared from 100 ng of NA12878 gDNA, with 7 PCR cycles performed for amplification and indexing of the replicates. A total of 24 libraries were pooled equally by mass (250 ng per sample) in a single overnight hybridization capture reaction.
Following capture, the libraries were sequenced using the Trinity 2x75 Sequencing Kit (#860-00019). Bases2Fastq was used to generate FASTQ files from the sequencing data.