Human Whole-Exome Sequencing, xGen™ Hyb Capture Kit for Element, 1 hr Fast Hyb Workflow (Trinity™ Sequencing Kits)
The Trinity sequencing kit was used to perform whole-exome sequencing (WES) on reference genomic DNA (gDNA).
The xGen Exome Sequencing Kit Trinity for Element (#10022463) was used to prepare libraries and perform capture for Trinity sequencing according to the user guide with some protocol modifications.
Libraries were prepared from 100 ng of NA12878 or NA24385 gDNA, with 7 PCR cycles performed for amplification and indexing of the replicates. An additional 5 cycles of end-polishing PCR were performed on these libraries individually. A total of 24 libraries were pooled equally by mass (625 ng per sample) in a single 1 hr hybridization capture reaction.
Following capture, the libraries were sequenced using the Trinity 2x150 Sequencing Kit (#860-00020). Bases2Fastq was used to generate FASTQ files from the sequencing data.