Teton™ CytoProfiling, HeLa Cells (Teton MAPK Cell Cycle Panel)


HeLa cells were grown under standard growth conditions and plated into a 12-cell Teton flow cell assembly at 9,000 cells/well for 20 hours. Cells were washed, fixed, and stored according to the Teton CytoProfiling user guide and flow cells were kept at 4°C until use. 

The day of the run cells were washed and permeabilized. Next, 50 mL of Lambda Protein Phosphatase (LPP) reaction mix (NEB) was added to treated wells (A1-F1) and 50 mL PBS was added to control wells (A2-F2). The flow cell was sealed and incubated at 30°C for 1 hr, washed with PBS, and assembled to run on an AVITI24™ system. The treated flow cell was run using the Teton MAPK Cell Cycle kit which includes 6 cell paint, 50 protein, and 350 RNA targets.  


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